Research and Publications 2002
Published Works
Bart, D., Hartman, J.M. (2002). Environmental Constraints on Early Establishment of Phragmites Australis in Salt Marshes. Wetlands, 22(2), 201-213. MDOC 2002-010 Abstract
Burke, D.J., Hamerlynck, E.P., Hahn, D. (2002). Interactions Among Plant Species and Microorganisms in Salt Marsh Sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68(3), 1157-1164. MDOC 2002-002 Abstract
Holowczak, R.D., Artigas, F.J., Chun, S.A., Cho, J., Stone, H.S. (2002). An Experimental Study on Content-Based Image Classification for Satellite Image Databases. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 40(6), 1338-1347. MDOC 2002-024 Abstract
Weis, J.S., Windham, L., Santiago-Bass, C., Weis, P. (2002). Growth, Survival, and Metal Content of Marsh Invertebrates Fed Diets of Detritus from Spartina Alterniflora Loisel. and Phragmites Australis Cav. Trin. Ex Steud. from Metal-Contaminated and Clean Sites. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 10(1), 71-84. MDOC 2002-025 Abstract
Cai, H., Hahn, D. (March 2002). Assessing Microbial Indicators for Heavy Metal Contamination Using Automated Image Analysis. Final Report submitted to the Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute. MDOC 2002-006 Report
Polyak, B., Marks, R.S. (October 2002). Fiber Optic Reca Lux Sensor and Genotoxicity Biosensing of Samples Collected at HMDC Sites: Final Report for 2001-2002. Final Report submitted to the Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute. MDOC 2002-034 Report
Ravit, B., Ehrenfeld, J. (September 17, 2002). Microbial Community Structure of Salt Marsh Macrophyte Rhizosphere as an Indicator of Contamination. Project Report submitted to the Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute. MDOC 2002-018
Conference Presentations
Adam, N., Atluri, V., Guo, D., Yu, S. (November 1-3, 2002). Knowledge Discovery for Scientific Data. National Science Foundation Workshop On Next Generation Data Mining (NGDM’02). Baltimore, MD.
Adam, N.R., Artigas, F.J., Atluri, V., Chun, S.A., Mazzoleni, P. (May 19-22, 2002). Customized Visualization of GeoSpatial Government Regulations. National Science Foundation Conference on Digital-Government, dg.o 2002. Los Angeles, CA. Project Demo
Artigas, F. (October 21-23, 2002). Wetland Vegetation Reflectance Variability. Fifth Wetlands Workshop. Office of Environmental Programs, U.S. EPA, Region III. Atlantic City, NJ.
Artigas, F. (September 11, 2001 (Rescheduled for January 24, 2002)). A Coastal Decision Support System for the Hackensack Meadowlands. Third Annual Who’s Doing What in New York Harbor Conference Proceedings. New York, NY.
Atluri, V., Mazzoleni, P. (July 2002). A Uniform Indexing Scheme for Geo-spatial Data and Authorizations. 16th IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Database Security. Cambridge, UK. Conference Paper
Barrett, K., Mirza, A., Holowczak, R. (May 19-23, 2002). An Automated Validation and Alert System for Continuous, Real-Time Environmental Monitoring. National Water Quality Monitoring Conference. Madison, WI. Report
Bragin, A.B., Woolcott, G, Misuik, J. (April 4-6, 2002). A Fisheries Resource Inventory of the Hackensack Meadowlands. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society (AERS) Spring Meeting. University of Delaware, Lewes, DE.
Konsevick, E., Barrett, K., Hobble, C. (November 3-7, 2002). Effects of Drought on Water Quality in the Lower Hackensack River (abstract). Annual Conference of The Philadelphia Metropolitan Area Section -American Water Resources Association. Philadelphia, PA.