The information contained in this site is the best available according to the procedures and standards of the Meadowlands Research and Restoration Institute Geographic Information Systems group (MRRI-GIS). In order to maintain the quality and timeliness of the data, MRRI-GIS regularly maintains the information in their databases and GIS layers. However, unintentional inaccuracies may occur. MRRI-GIS has made every effort to present the information in a clear and understandable way for a variety of users. However, we cannot be responsible for the misuse or misinterpretation of the information presented by this system. Therefore, under no circumstances shall MRRI-GIS be liable for any actions taken or omissions made from reliance on any information contained herein from whatever source nor shall MRRI-GIS be liable for any other consequences from any such reliance.
Data Distribution Agreement
The data provided on this web site is subject to the following conditions and restrictions.
Description of Data to Be Provided
Upon written consent to the following conditions and restrictions, MRRI-GIS will provide digital data layers, as requested. MRRI-GIS makes no representations of any kind, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use, nor are any such warranties to be implied, with respect to the digital data layers furnished hereunder. MRRI-GIS assumes no responsibility to maintain them in any manner or form.
Terms of Agreement
Data provided by MRRI-GIS is subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
A. Subject Data Layers Conditions and Restrictions-
Digital layers provided by MRRI-GIS are solely for the original recipient’s internal use in the conduct of its daily business affairs. No digital layers may be reproduced or redistributed without MRRI-GIS’s prior written permission. This limitation, however, is not intended to restrict User’s distribution of printed map information created from the digital layers.User must have a GIS or CAD system to accept digital information from MRRI-GIS. All digital information distributed is contingent upon User’s execution of a Data Distribution Agreement (DDA). MRRI-GIS shall provide a copy of such agreement upon written request. Access to the digital data provided by MRRI-GIS shall be exclusively for User employees only. The term ’employee’ shall mean any person directly employed on a full-time or part-time basis by the user. The term ’employee’ shall also be construed to mean any contractor, consultant or any similar person or entity hired by the requesting party for a limited purpose. Users shall require any third party contractor hired to perform work that utilizes digital data to agree not to use, reproduce, or redistribute MRRI-GIS data for any purpose other than indicated in the applicable contract. All copies of MRRI-GIS data used by a third party contractor must be returned to the original User upon contract work completion. The provisions of this paragraph apply in equal force to any independent contractor User may choose to employ.
B. Liabilities and Limitation for the Accuracy of Digital Data Provided-
By signing the Data Distribution Agreement, User shall become contractually bound to all provisions stated in this Data Distribution Policy. Although MRRI-GIS has verified the digital data to the best of its ability, MRRI-GIS makes no representations of any kind as to its complete accuracy; nor does it guarantee the complete accuracy of any digital data furnished. MRRI-GIS additionally makes no warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use, nor are such warranties to be implied, with respect to the digital data provided under the DDA. User is responsible for understanding the accuracy limitations of all digital data provided. In particular, alterations and/or manipulation of the original data may adversely affect their accuracy, meaning, and design integrity. To assist in the proper utilization of the digital layers, Readme and Metadata (.txt) are provided. User, however, assumes all responsibility for the correct use of the digital data provided and for their interpretation.
C. Production of Printed Map/Report/Publication Products Using Digital Data Layers Provided-
User may reproduce digital data layers in the form of a printed product provided User abides by this agreement. Any maps, reports, or publications created using the digital data provided by the MRRI-GIS shall give credit to the MRRI-GIS by using the following statement/disclaimer:
“This (map/report/publication/ was created using the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission/ Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute Geographic Information System digital data, but this is a secondary product and has not been verified and is not authorized by the MRRI-GIS.”
D. Sharing of the GIS Data with Other Persons or Entities-
If at any time during the course of this Agreement the User determines that it is necessary to share portions of the GIS data with a person or entity not employed by the User as a consultant, contractor, or any similar person or entity for a limited public purpose, The requesting party shall first request permission from MRRI-GIS before sharing any portion of the GIS data, unless otherwise committed by this Agreement or as required by law. Any such request shall be in writing to the MRRI-GIS, and shall specify the persons or entities the User wishes to share GIS data with and the reasons why such sharing of information is necessary. Permission for the User to share the GIS data provided by MRRI-GIS with other parties shall not be unreasonably withheld if such sharing of information is necessary to further legitimate governmental purposes. Commercial or revenue-generating uses of the MRRI-GIS’s data shall not be considered a legitimate purpose.