High Marsh Soil Study
Our Projects

The possibility that wetlands in the Meadowlands accumulate contaminants brought on to sites by tidal inundation is a concern to regulatory agencies. The development of high marsh soils along with contaminant accumulation will be documented spatially over time.

This study is designed to measure the levels of contaminants as they accumulate in clean wetland soils in a high marsh setting.

A transect was established spanning the high point (3.6’ el.) in each high marsh. Samples will be taken in six locations along the transect: at the 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 foot elevation in each marsh. These elevations correspond to the spring high water level, mean high water level and low marsh respectively. At each location, three replicate samples will be collected at the surface and at depth.
Sampling began in the Fall of 2007; and was repeated in the early Summer of 2008. Additional sampling will occur at yearly intervals. At each sampling event, water samples were drawn from the ditch separating the high marshes. Sampling will occur on an incoming tide only.
Soil will be analyzed for AVS/SEM, T.O.C, % Fine Material, Total Metals, PCBs and Pesticides, PAHs and pH.
Water will be analyzed for Sulfate, COD, TSS, Total Metals, PCBs and Pesticides, PAHs, Nutrients, Chloride and the Field Parameters pH, Temperature, Conductivity and Salinity.

- Sampling
- Analysis
- Reporting

- The first Interim report was completed
- Statistical analyses are being performed in preparation for the first yearly report
- Additional reporting at an annual frequency
Data Tables
