Research and Publications 2017
Published Works

Francisco Artigas, Ji Meng Loh, Jin Young Shin, Joe Grzyb, Ying Yao (2017). Baseline and distribution of organic pollutants and heavy metals in tidal creek sediments after Hurricane Sandy in the Meadowlands of New Jersey Environmental Earth Sciences 76(7):293 March 2017
Sherwood, N., Wu, M., & Weis, P. (2018). Mercury contamination in diamondback terrapins in new jersey. Environmental Management, 62(4), 756-765. doi:
Sherwood, N. R. (2017). Risks associated with harvesting and human consumption of two turtle species in new jersey (Order No. 10281457). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1901509898).

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Conference Presentations

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