Research and Publications 2011
Published Works

Jung, Kyung-Hwa, Artigas, Francisco, Shin, Jin Young (2011). Personal, indoor, and outdoor exposure to VOCs in the immediate vicinity of a local airport. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 173(1), 555-567. Abstract
Jung, Kyung-Hwa, Artigas, Francisco, Shin, Jin Young (2011). Seasonal Gradient Patterns of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Particulate Matter Concentrations near a Highway. Atmosphere, 2(3), 533-552. Article
Song, Fei, Shin, Jin Young, Jusino‐Atresino, Rafael, Gao, Yuan (July 2011). Relationships Among the Springtime Ground-Level NOx, O3 and NO3 in the Vicinity of Highways in the US East Coast. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2 (3), 374-383. Article
Song, Fei, Gao, Yuan (2011). Size Distributions of Trace Elements Associated with Ambient Particular Matter in the Affinity of a Major Highway in the New Jersey–New York Metropolitan Area. Atmospheric Environment, 45(37), 6714-6723.
Tsipoura, Nellie, Burger, Joanna, Newhouse, Michael, Jeitner, Christian, Gochfeld, Michael, Mizrahi, David (August 2011). Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Chromium, and Arsenic Levels in Eggs, Feathers, and Tissues of Canada Geese of the New Jersey Meadowlands. Environmental Research, 111(6), 775-784. Abstract
Weis, Judith S., Bergey, Lauren, Reichmuth, Jessica, Candelmo, Allison (May 2011). Living in a Contaminated Estuary: Behavioral Changes and Ecological Consequences for Five Species. BioScience, 61 (5), 375-385. Article
Xia, Lili, Gao, Yuan, (2011). Characterization of Trace Elements in PM2.5 Aerosols in the Vicinity of Highways in Northeast New Jersey in the U.S. East Coast. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2 (1), 34-44. MDOC 2011-001 Article

ElBishlawi, Hagar, Shin, Jin Young, Jaffe, Peter (2011). Development of a Constructed Tidal Wetland and Its Effect on Trace Metal Distribution: Implications for Restoration (Draft). MDOC 2011-002
Holzapfel, Claus, Kirby, Edward (February 2011). Clonal Diversity and Resistance to Invasion in Remnant Salt Marsh Patches Dominated by Spartina patens: Final Report. MDOC 2011-003 Report
Conference Presentations

DeVan, Caroline, Bunker, Daniel (Nov 9, 2011). Cascading Impacts of Plant Dispersal and Environmental Limitations on Pollinator Communities on a Capped Landfill in the New Jersey Meadowlands (Poster Presentation). VIIth Annual NJIT Graduate Student Research Day. Newark, NJ. Poster
Huang, Lihui, Fan, Zhihua (Tina), Yu, Chang Ho, Bonanno, Linda, Shin, Jin Young (October 23-27, 2011). Development of a Sampling and Analytical Method for the Measurement of Total Cr-Vi in Ambient Air International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) 21st Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. Abstract
Mainelis, Gediminas, Xiong, Youyou, Wang, Zuocheng, Krogmann, Uta, Andrews, Clinton J., Wener, Richard, Senick, Jennifer, Shin, Jin Young (October 3-7, 2011). Investigation of Bioaerosols and Other Indoor Air Quality Parameters in Two Green Residential Buildings in the Northeastern US. 30th American Association for Aerosol Research. Orlando, FL.
Plank, Kimberly, Wu, TingMin, Wadwha, Sahil, Kirby, Edward, Holzapfel, Claus (August 11, 2011). Colonal Diversity and Resistance to Invasion in Remnant Salt Marsh Patches. 96th ESA Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. Abstract
Schäfer, KVR, Bohrer G, Naor-Azrieli L, Mouser P, Mitsch W, Wu M (December 5-9, 2011). Temporal Dynamics of Methane Fluxes in Temperate Urban Wetlands. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting 2011. San Francisco, CA. Presentation Abstract
Soman, Christina, Sherwood, Natalie, Jimenez, Gabriel (April 16, 2011). Effects of Invasive Grass, Phragmites australis, on Tidal Salt Marsh Environment (Poster Presentation). Montclair State University 5th Annual Student Research Symposium. Montclair, NJ. Poster
Steiner, Cynthia L, Peteet, Dorothy M., Tate III, Robert L, Artigas, Francisco (September 27, 2011). Use of Carbon Dating, LOI and Vegetational Changes to Determine Carbon Sequestration Rates With Ecosystem History in the Hackensack Meadowlands, New Jersey (Poster Presentation). Mini-Conference “Pursuing a Successful Career in Science” and Student Poster Competition, Air & Waste Management Association. New Brunswick, NJ. Poster
Yu, C., Fan, Z., Shin, J., Hobble, C., Artigas, F. (October 23-27, 2011). Airborne Hexavalent Chromium Concentration, Particle Size Distribution, and Contributing Sources in NJ Meadowlands District- A Pilot Study (Poster Presentation). International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) 21st Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. Abstract Poster