Research and Publications 2008
Published Works
Artigas, F., Marti, A., Yao, N., Pechmann, I. (December 2008). Chlorophyll Detection and Mapping of Shallow Water Impoundments Using Image Spectrometry. Research Letters in Ecology, v. 2008, 4 pages. MDOC 2008-018 Abstract and Article
Santiago Bass, C., Weis, Judith S. (June 2008). Increased Abundance of Snails And Trematode Parasites of Fundulus heteroclitus (L.) in Restored New Jersey Wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 16 (3), 173-182. MDOC 2008-004 Abstract
Slater, L., Ntarlagiannis, D., Yee, N., O’Brien, M., Zhang, C., Williams, K.H. (March-April 2008). Electrodic Voltages in the Presence of Dissolved Sulfide: Implications For Monitoring Natural Microbial Activity. Geophysics, 73 (2), F65-F70. MDOC 2008-001. Abstract
Tsipoura, N., Burger, J., Feltes, R.,Yacabucci, J., Mizrahi, D.S., Jeitner, C., Gochfeld, M. (June 2008). Metal Concentrations in Three Species of Passerine Birds Breeding in the Hackensack Meadowlands of New Jersey. Environmental Research, 107 (2), 218-228. MDOC 2008-008 Abstract
Yang, J., Artigas, F.J., Wang, Y.(2008). Mapping Salt Marsh Vegetation Using Hyperspectral Imagery. In W. Ji (ed) Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. CIRC GB622.W48 2008 Preview
Yang, J., Artigas, F.J.(September 2008). Estimating Impervious Surfaces Area of Urban Watersheds Using ASTER Data Journal of Environmental Informatics, 12 (1), 1-8. MDOC 2008-011 Abstract
Lioy, P.J., Georgopoulos, P.G., Isukapalli, S., Tang, X., Weisel, C., Wang, S.W. (2008). Studying Baseline Quality of Ambient and Personal Air Within the New Jersey Meadowlands District: Final Report (Draft), 1. Air Pollution Measurement Components, 2. Modeling Components. MDOC 2008-005
Lioy, P.J., Weisel, C., Georgopoulos, P.G., Wang, S.W.,Tang, X., Isukapalli, S. (2008). Studying Baseline Quality of Ambient and Personal Air Within the New Jersey Meadowlands District: Final Report; 1. Air Pollution Measurement Components; 2. Modeling Components. MDOC 2008-006 Report
Tsipoura, N., Mylecraine, K., Ruskin, K. (2008). Ecology of Colonial Wading Birds Foraging in the Meadowlands District: 2008 Final Report.
Conference Presentations
Artigas, F., Pechmann, I. (April 7-9, 2008). Balloon Imagery for Assessing Wetland Sites and Invasive Species Distribution. Mid-Atlantic Chapter of URISA’s 14th Regional GIS Conference. Burlington County College, Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Abstract
Artigas, F., Pechmann, I., Yang, J. (November 6-8, 2008). Determining Wetland Sediment Chemical Condiditions Using Hypespectral Remote Sensing. 60th Anniversary Meeting of the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society. Fairfax, Virginia.
Elefante, D., Marti, A. (April 28-May 2, 2008). Sewer and Stormwater Mapping: A Regional Approach to Municipal Information Sharing. New Jersey Water Environment Association 93rd Annual Conference and Exposition. Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Elefante, D., Yadlovski, E., Mujeeb, A. (April 7-9, 2008). Benefits of a GIS in Emergency Management, Planning and Response: An Update on NJMC’s ERIS Program. Mid-Atlantic Chapter of URISA’s 14th Regional GIS Conference. Burlington County College, Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Abstract
Elefante, D. (April 7-9, 2008). Monitoring Land Use Change in an Urban/Brownfield Landscape Using ArcIMS. Mid-Atlantic Chapter of URISA’s 14th Regional GIS Conference. Burlington County College, Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Abstract
Jain, A., Artigas, F., Hobble, C., Pechmann, I. (May 19-21, 2008). Modeling of Sediment Chemistry and Biometric Measurements Based on Remote-Sensor Images. Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics, FACM ’08. New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey.
Konsevick, E. (October 16 -18, 2008). Environmental Geology of the New Jersey Meadowlands District. GANJ XXV Environmental and Engineering Geology of Northeastern New Jersey, Geological Association of New Jersey 2008 Annual Conference and Field Trip. Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey.
Konsevick, E. (September 12, 2008). Direct to the Web: MRRI’s Water Quality Data Management/Data Exchange System. Measuring What Counts for Clean and Plentiful Water, NJWMCC Meeting. Trenton, New Jersey.
Marti, A., Artigas, F., Elefante, D., Martin, J. (April 7-9, 2008). Mapping Sewer and Storm-Water Pipelines: A Case Study an a Regional Approach to Equipment Sharing. Mid-Atlantic Chapter of URISA’s 14th Regional GIS Conference. Burlington County College, Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Abstract
McClary, M. Jr., Benzecry, A., Bentivegna, C.S. (October 16, 2008). Effects of a Clay Cap on Contaminants in Water, Sediments, Plants and Macroinvertebrates of Kearny Marsh. Third Passaic River Symposium. Montclair State University, Montclair New Jersey.
Pechmann, I., Artigas, F. (October 16, 2008). Balloon Imagery Verification of Remotely Sensed Phragmites Australis Expansion in Wetlands of the Hackensack Meadowlands. Third Passaic River Symposium. Montclair State University, Montclair New Jersey. Abstract
Song, F., Xia, L., Jusino-Atresino, R., Thuman, C., Gao, Y. (December 15-19, 2008). Particle-size Distributions and Elemental Composition of Particulate Matter Observed in the Vicinity of Highways in the US East Coast. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Abstract
Yadlovski, E., Elefante, D. (April 7-9, 2008). Utilizing Google Earth for Emergency Management. Mid-Atlantic Chapter of URISA’s 14th Regional GIS Conference. Burlington County College, Mount Laurel, New Jersey.
Yang, J., Artigas, F., Venugopal, G. (July 3-11, 2008). Characterization of Salt-Marsh Vegetation by Integrating LiDAR and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. The XXI Congress – The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Beijing, China.