Research and Publications 2007
Published Works

Reinfelder, J.R., Cardona-Marek, T., Schaefer, J.K., Ellickson, K.M., Barkay, T. (December 2007). Mercury Speciation, Reactivity, and Bioavailability in a Highly Contaminated Estuary, Berry’s Creek, New Jersey Meadowlands. Environmental Science and Technology, 41 (24), 8268-8274. MDOC 2007-013. Abstract

Gao, Y., Song, F. (2007). Characterization of Atmospheric Nitrogen Oxides over the Meadowlands: Year One Project Report. MDOC 2007-004. Report
Gao, Y., Song, F. (2007). Characterization of Atmospheric Nitrogen Oxides over the Meadowlands: Supplement to Year One Project Report. MDOC 2007-005. Report
Kiviat, E., Barbour, J.G., Schmidt, R.E. (2007). Monitoring Biological Diversity in the Hackensack Meadowlands. MDOC 2007-009. Report
Konsevick, E., Bragin, A. B. (2007). Chemical Characteristics of Sediment Collected as Part of the Fishery Resource Inventory of the Lower Hackensack River Within the Hackensack Meadowlands District: A Comparative Study 2001-2003 & 1987-1988. MDOC 2007-025. Report
Mizrahi, D.S., Tsipoura, N., Witkowski, K., Bisignano, M. (2007). Avian Abundance and Distribution in the New Jersey Meadowlands District: The Importance of Habitat, Landscape and Disturbance. MDOC 2007-026. Report
Russell, G.J., Rosales, A. (2007). Sociability Leads to Instability: A Metapopulation Model for Colonial Species. MDOC 2007-008. Report
Tsipoura, N., Mizrahi, D.S., Yacabucci, J. (2007). Contaminant Levels and Their Effects in Birds Breeding in the Hackensack Meadowlands: An Interim Report. MDOC 2007-029.
Weis, J.S., Bass, C.S. (2007). Parasite Effects on Host Behavior. MDOC 2007-011. Report
Conference Presentations

Jain, A., Johnson, K., Artigas, F., Hobble, C. (February 22-23, 2007). Continuous Water Quality Data Modeling for Hackensack River. International Conference on Stormwater and Urban Water Systems Modeling. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. MDOC 2007-012. Presentation