Research and Publications 1999
Published Works

Barrett, K.R., (1999). Ecological Engineering in Water Resources: The Benefits of Collaborating with Nature. Water International: The Journal of the International Water Resources Association. 24(3), 182-188. MDOC 1999-005 Abstract

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Conference Presentations

Artigas, F.J. (September 22-24, 1999). Updating GIS Land Use Attributes from Surface Texture Information Using SIR-C Images. U.S. EPA, Environmental Problem Solving with Geographical Information Systems: A National Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Barrett, K.R., Holowczak, R., Artigas, F.J. (December 5-9, 1999). A Database of Environmental Documents about an Urban Estuary, with a WWW-based Geographical Interface. Symposium on Water Resources and the World Wide Web, Proceedings. American Water Resources Association. Seattle, WA. Conference Paper
Weis, J.S. (September 1999). Nutritional Value of Different Marsh Plants to Key Estuarine Invertebrates. Biannual Meeting of the Estuarine Research Federation. New Orleans, LA.