Parcel Fabric & Landfills
Our Projects
Parcel Fabric & Landfills
The Meadowlands District contains over 3,000 acres landfills in 47 known sites that existed before the inception of the NJMC (now NJSEA). These landfills have been mapped via historical aerial imagery, but existing parcel boundaries are not currently accurate to survey-level. Spatial accuracy of orphaned landfill properties is essential for NJSEA monitoring operations, and the goal of a parcel fabric is to maintain highly accurate survey-level property boundaries and control points within the fabric group layer, in addition to tracking parcel history and records of survey. In order to better understand the lineage of these orphaned landfills precise spatial accuracy is paramount.
This project uses the ESRI parcel fabric data model as a tool for maintaining a landfill parcel geodatabase. This dataset will keep track of all changes (such as resurveys, subdivisions, and consolidations) using this approach. This fabric will be focused primarily on enhancing the spatial accuracy of NJSEA’s active and orphaned landfill property boundaries.
Currently MRRI is compiling a database of property deeds and surveys for landfills outlined in the report: “Analysis of Alternative Solid Wastes Management Systems for the Hackensack Meadowlands District” (Zurn, 1970). The goal of this project is to take a parcel fabric approach focusing on properties where solid waste activities historically occurred, and that have deeds containing official survey records. The resulting geographic dataset will be used in combination with historical aerial imagery to analyze how these landfilled properties have changed over time.